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Articles & Posts

Listen to – Dealing with Doubts and Uncertainties when Leaving the Watchtower


This conference call hopes to provide comfort and consolation for present or Ex-JWs who are confronting the specter of rejection, excommunication, doubt, family splits and negative labeling. These are real and very difficult realities for Read more…

The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” ?










The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.

Above is the title and theme text of an article beginning on page 12 of the Read more…

Police inquiry over Jehovah’s Witness magazine ‘mentally diseased’ article

An official magazine for Jehovah’s Witnesses that described those who leave the church as “mentally diseased” is at the centre of a police inquiry, it has emerged.

Read more from the UK Telegraph here:

Check out related articles on the “Ask Jacqueline” page of this website.

The official magazine for Jehovah’s Witnesses has described Read more…