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Articles & Posts

How are Bible Students connected to the Early Watchtower?

Who are the Bible Students? Where do they come from? These are questions frequently asked by those who seek to identify this movement and its origins. This special issue of The Herald is an expansion of an earlier edition and is meant to answer these queries.

Seeking to place the Bible Student movement in a Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell a Fraud and False Prophet?

The following article is taken from the book, “Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope.” Chapter 8, page 227.

The Pastor a Fraud and False Prophet?

Many of the allegations made against Pastor Russell under this category are sweeping and Read more…

Can you help us to find a copy of the Will of Charles Taze Russell?

In 1907, Pastor Russell had executed his Last Will and Testament, which was amended slightly the following year, again in 1910 and once more in 1911. Copies of these Will’s have ever been made available to the public or the brethren. Yes, the 1907 Will was published in a 1916 Watchtower, however, we don’t have Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell associated with the Occult and Pyramidology?












An Occultic Pyramidologist?

This is an accusation that is not infrequently heard: Pastor Russell, by incorporating the measurements and lay out of the Great Pyramid in his teachings, was thereby guilty of occultic practices. Randall Watters asserts:

“Among the most obvious of Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell a Mason / Freemason?

Bedfellows with Freemasons?

The charge has been advanced that Pastor Russell and the Bible Students are connected With the Free masons and that both groups are to be condemned because they are occult in nature. The occult reference is used to describe both the secrecy aspect of their respective beliefs as well as the Read more…

Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope (FREE download)

This 400+ page book, written by a Bible Student author and a consummate researcher, C. Redeker, offers a thorough history of Pastor Charles Taze Russell and the Bible Student movement he founded. His doctrinal and prophetic views are presented. Contemporary Bible Student ministries are examined and their distinctions from the Jehovah Witnesses are explored through Read more…

Photo Drama of Creaton – God’s Plan from Creaton through Human History


The Photo-Drama of Creation was produced in 4 parts, altogether for 8 hours. The completed production premiered in January 1914 in New York and was presented worldwide, being viewed by over 9 million people. It has the distinction of being the first major screenplay to incorporate synchronized sound, moving film, and color slides.

Read more…

Watch the Photodrama of Creation

The Photo-Drama of Creation was produced at the time of the Early Watchtower under the direction of it’s president, Charles Taze Russell. It was in 4 parts, altogether for 8 hours. The completed production premiered in January 1914 in New York and was presented worldwide, being viewed by over 9 million people. It has the Read more…

APRIL 10 – Ex-JW & Creator of Pastor-Russell.com Interviewed


CLICK ABOVE TO HEAR THE RECORDING OR CLICK HERE: AND FIND THE APRIL 10 RECORDING. Since first going online in 1996, Eric Patterson’s Pastor Russell websites have been seen by nearly 20 million people from literally every state, country and territory on earth. In January 2006 Pastor-Russell.com temporarily entered the top 60,000 websites Read more…

Why Was Charles Russell a Christian Zionist?

Didn’t the Jewish people reject and crucify their Messiah, Jesus Christ? Although a few accepted Jesus, didn’t Israel as a nation reject Jesus? Don’t all the promises originally to Israel now belong to Christians?

Certainly, Apostle Paul explains, “With the breaking off of some ‘natural branches’ of the figurative olive Read more…


This passage is taken from page 274 of the book, “Pastor C.T. Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope” which you can find by clicking this link.

Already in 1907, Pastor Russell had executed his Last Will and Testament, which was amended slightly the following year and once more in 1910. Even earlier he had donated his Read more…

Book: Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope

You can order the book:

Book: Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope

From Where did Pastor Russell Get His Beliefs? Part II. Historical Links

The information provided in these parts comes from the book, “Pastor Russell – Founder of the Bible Students,” published by Bible Students Christian Classics:

From “The Christian Connection” to the Miller Movement and Second Advent Movement

The great awakening of Adventism in the early 1800s was paralleled by an even more Read more…


Pastor Russell never claimed to be the originator of Bible Truths. He was a good investigator and we suggest that Jehovah put him in contact with the right people to piece together and assemble the complete Truth that had been gradually getting clearer since the time of the Reformation.

This is quite an involved question, Read more…

Did Pastor Russell claim to be the originator of Bible Truths?

Pastor Russell never claimed to originate Bible truths, but to recover truth held by the early church. In his own words (from the May 1899 Watchtower, pages 86 & 87, (Reprint #2453):

“We found that for centuries various sects and parties had split up the Bible doctrines amongst them, blending them with more or less Read more…

Just how popular was Pastor Russell?

According to the book, “Pastor Russell – Founder of the Bible Students,” published by Bible Students Christian Classics:

“The Overland Monthly, a noted periodical of that time, reported in 1909 that Studies in the Scriptures, by Charles Taze Russell, was one of the world’s three most circulated works surpassed only by the BIBLE and the Read more…

Pastor Russell Founded the Bible Students, Not the Jehovah’s Witnesses

The picture is clear. The historical data reveals beyond a doubt that the Bible Students founded by Pastor Russell and Jehovah’s Witnesses founded by Judge Rutherford are two separate movements.

Pastor Russell founded the Bible Students. The movement had its beginning in 1872 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, where a newly formed Bible Class selected Charles Taze Read more…